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Good for the planet

Customers can draw on our industry-leading sustainability expertise to accelerate their climate action.

Better Together

We partner with our customers to help them meet and beat their own sustainability ambitions.

In numbers

Net Zero by 2030

Net zero for embodied carbon from day one, Norton Folgate will also be operationally net zero from 2030.

100% Renewable

100% of the electricity we buy for Norton Folgate customers will come from renewable sources.

Zero waste to landfill

100% of the waste we manage for Norton Folgate customers will be diverted from landfill.

All-electric workspaces

All-electric workspaces, completely moving away from fossil fuels, with air source pumps for low carbon heating.

Energy efficiency

Predicted operational efficiency of 73kWh per m2, ahead of UKGBC’s 2025 target – impressive in a heritage setting*

Independent certification

Excellent BREEAM sustainability target for workspaces – reflecting performance on energy, ecology and wellbeing.

* UK Green Building Council target for base building energy (NLA) 2020-2025.

We're on a mission

Many of our customers want to deepen their commitment to the place where they’re based and promote wellbeing for their people. We can help you connect to opportunities that increase impact for local communities and your team.